About Me

My Skills

Essential Academic Skills


As a scholar with a PhD in Political Science, I have extensive experience both as an international student,  an academic researcher and as a writer. I have won several scholarships and worked as a fellow researcher in different departments and research centres across Europe, including Portugal, Sweden and United Kingdom. I have been mentored by leading, awarded international scholars.  Using this experience and my knowledge, I have assisted numerous  candidates – students and professionals alike to thrive in their careers and academic life or to attain their dream of gaining a graduate diploma.  Drawing from this experience and using tools and techniques I have learned I can help you to pursue and reach your goals. 


Goal Setting


Research Skills Development


Academic Writing


Admission Processes


Language Skills Improvement



How It Works?

01. IDEAS 

Based on your insights and aspirations, I will help you explore ideas, topics, possibilities and the opportunities available to you. 

02.   ROAD MAP 

Once you have selected a study topic or decided a career or study path, it is time to design your research project, and  set your academic goals.  


With a project outlined, goals stablished, resources mobilised, it is then time to target your writing and/or admission process.   

Available For Any Projects

How Can We Help You ?

Pursue a Graduate Degree


As an academic Mentor, I will help you to prepare to get into the program of your choice and support each step of your journey, during the entire process of admission.

Improve Your Academic Skills


Guide you throughout the admission and enrollment process, helping you to select and apply for the program that best matches your background and ambitions.

Improve Your Academic Skills


Guide you throughout the admission and enrollment process, helping you to select and apply for the program that best matches your background and ambitions.

Studying Abroad


As an academic Mentor, I will help you to prepare to get into the program of your choice and support each step of your journey, during the entire process of admission.

Dr. Rose Ferreira PhD Coach & Mentor in Advanced Academic Studies

What I Can Do for You?

As an academic Coach and Mentor,  I will able to help you  to set and achieve your academic goals,  whether you are an aspiring graduate student, a junior scholar,  or someone willing to pursue a graduate, post-graduate or language studies  abroad or in Brazilian universities.

Education Consulting
Academic Mentoring
Personal Tutoring

Explore my Services